
Breaking news for JHFC.

Last season Kevin Jelley, Lewis Jelley and Trevor Abraham superbly integrated u16 players into senior football and allowed them to develop confidence and shine. No fewer than 12 lads from our u16 were given the opportunity and made a superb show of themselves. 2 of them got the opportunity to play for the first team thanks to the reserve team management guiding them through.

Last night Kevin and Trevor agreed to carry on as reserve team managers for the season which is great news for JHFC and great news for HSM.

More great news for our older players is the appointment of Sean Pearson as first team manager. We have every confidence Sean will be a superb guide for our players with aspirations of using HSM as a stepping stone to even better things. We have 6 players at u16 on scholarships and 2 players currently being chased by semi-professional clubs, as a junior club we are lucky to have such a quality platform, and we know they will be well guided.